Thursday, December 3, 2009

Acne help...mario badescu products?

i have tried pretty much everything: acne free, proactiv, random combinations. i don't have terrible acne but its noticable. every product i have tried has given me red flaky skin. right now i am using a combination of cetaphil and st. ives's apricot scrub, which isn't working. i've heard that the mario badescu drying lotion works wonders, does anyone have an opinion on it? thanks!Acne help...mario badescu products?
use accutane and/or see a dermatologist so that they can tell you what to do with your face.

but definitely use cetaphil because it is oil free and doesn't clog up your pores :) thats a good thing.Acne help...mario badescu products?
Hi, if you can get a medication called ';Diane 35'; that should clear it up completely in a few months. It is actually a contraceptive (The Pill) but it is medically recognised as having a side effect of clearing up acne. Also, I know a woman who had acne into her 30s, and then a doctor told her to stop eating dairy products. A few months later her skin cleared up completely. Sometimes there may be something in your diet that gives you spots. Aside from the obvious greasy foods, dairy and meat can cause spots for some people. I should mention, however, that some doctors insist this is not a proven fact. Good luck whatever you try.
The problem is you aren't giving them enough time to work. Products like Proactiv will cause the red flaky skin b/c it's sloughing off the old layers of skin making way for new healthier skin. Keep it up for several weeks and your skin will be glowing after it passes the peeling stage.
Go to the doctor %26amp; let them presribe you something, it works wayyyyyy better than the over the counter brands.
Try papaya kojic and licorice base soap and cream which are

available online. These work wonders.

Maybe it will work on you too.

Try searching it through Google 'shopaholic's bargains'
my docotor prescribed Diane 35, its ';the pill'; but its used just for and only for acne. ask your docto about it.

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